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Saturday, March 14, 2009

We Made It!!

We are all excited to finally be here!! It sure was a long trip. It did seem to go better today for the kids - the hour count-down really helped. I never saw them so excited before that there was ONLY 4 more hours :)
Today we left at 8:00 - 33 degrees. We drove the last 636 miles for a total of 2222 miles!!!
In Tucson it was 67 degrees at 7:30 in the evening! Finally some warm weather. Saw some beautiful mountain scenery. Will post some pictures tomorrow. The kids were fascinated by the mountains and the cactuses. It really is different from what they know in MI or WI.
We are at a hotel in Marana for a week or so until we can find a place to call home for a while. Plan to start with the realtors as we hear there is an abundance of empty homes here with some willing to rent out. We are 3 hours behind MI timezone.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mary-Lynn
Very cute website! I can totally relate to your kids helping with the packing/moving. Done that a few times! The last time we drove down to FL (straight through) it took us @29 hours, mainly because of all of the stops! You guys did great! Hope all goes well with Scott's new job! Best of luck and enjoy the warm weather!