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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kids Korner - March 12

I thought it might be fun to add a section for the kids to tell their point of view. I will just type what they tell me, so you might get some interesting details :)

Devon: I am very excited to go to Arizona! I want to go there because its hot. We are going to play in the pool and ride my bike. I am going to miss my friends at school though. They all gave me hugs and high fives on my last day. The trip is long. In the truck, I talked to Kylee on the two-way radio lots!

Kylee: I really want to go to Arizona. Its hot there and I want to play there. Sammy is going to come with us to Arizona.


Anonymous said...

Only northern kids could be excited about hot weather. Actually it doesn't sound too bad to me either.