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Thursday, March 12, 2009

About half way now

We left this morning around 8:15 - only 20 degrees!! We only thought we were going to get warm weather right away :) Travelled about 516 miles - we are in Joplin Missouri - but only 8 miles from the OK border. The warmest we saw today was 48 degrees - now its 43.
Sammy did fine today - only gave him water until we stopped tonight. He is having a hard time sleeping while travelling - mostly tries to sit up and his head droops and bobs around. Scott says he has a picture of him trying to sleep - will post it later.
Still haven't ran out of ideas to keep the kids entertained - they are doing way better than I thought. Their favorite thing - Mrs. Dubuque - Kylees teacher (and Devons last year) sent a package with us. Each kid gets to open a present every hour- some markers, a pencil, a book, some chapstick etc. Its the highlight of the hour!! They are loving it!!
The other fun thing that they have just learned and are having a blast with - getting the truckers to honk their horns. :) I remember when we used to do that! Will try to post some pictures in the morning before we leave.