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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Busy, Busy...

On Friday night we changed our plans "a little" and created a lot of work for the little time we have left. Scott spent some time looking over the snow-mobile trailer we were going to take, and decided it was kinda rusty underneath and maybe wouldn't make the trip. We decided it made more sense to take Scotts enclosed work trailer full of our stuff. So yesterday was kinda busy - running all over town finding boxes, and packing up almost everything in the house. We are close to 3/4 done packing already!! The kids helped a bunch. This is the first time we moved that they really could help much. And they worked like little troopers, and were SO happy to help out :) I filled the boxes, they carried all that was light enough for them (about 1/2 the stuff!!) out to the trailer and Scott packed it up. Their little legs covered some miles. And they slept great last night.


cherrycola said...

Just wrote an email and thought maybe you were already in the south, but I see not. Have a good trip. I will be anxious to hear how it goes and what you find. Wonder if you will be anywhere near the folks who adopted children from here.