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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Busy unpacking and getting our home set up.

We are sure enjoying the weather down here. We have been busy unpacking and arranging our little apartment. The kids have beds made up on the floor in the corners of the living room. Do plan to get them some cots real soon.

We have also been busy meeting some new people down here. On Friday night we were at a Spring bar-be-cue at Court and Melanie Wainwright's. Scott knew him from when he lived down here the last time about 12 years ago. And she is a neice of some of our friends from Iron Bridge - Audrey Tulloch so its a small world :) There were 5 families there, all with kids around Devon and Kylees ages. Then today for lunch we were at Jason and Donna Lennox. They have 4 kids too. So the kids have had alot of fun too.

Scotts weekend is Mon and Tues, so that seems different right now. His hours are 7-3:30. He says he would rather work in Oscoda, seems that it's kinda a dump to work in here. But its better than nothing for now.

We don't have internet set up in our apartment right now - plan to do that tomorrow. We can get a connection here at the office. So maybe soon I can get some pictures posted next week.