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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Looking for an apartment

We are as settled as you can get in a hotel room. I spent most of the day yesterday looking at apartments and calling them. There are a ton of apartment complexes, but alot of them won't take less than a year lease. We found a couple of 6 month ones, a 3 month one and a couple of month to month mobile homes. Looked at a couple trashy ones yesterday as we are still learning the area, but did find a pretty nice one - wanted a 6 month lease though. Will look at more today and hopefully we can find one today that will work. The hotel room is kinda small :)

Beautiful weather here, mostly in the 80's! Tomorrow its supposed to get to 90!! But we have found that if you get out of the direct sun, it doesn't feel that hot. Need to drink lots of water - we were told that if you get a headache - you know you need to drink more. It is a different heat than we know up north.

Scott has been at training the last few days at work. Nothing that he hasn't learned yet, but its policy that you take the training before you start. Today is his first day of "work". He gets the DAY shift!!! We were expecting nights being the newest there. But, there are about 12 starting with him and they asked first who wanted the midnight shift, and most people wanted it - its cooler then. They even had to take some who wanted nights and put them to days. We wanted the day shift because of schedules with the kids. We don't know what his weekend days are yet.


mom said...

Glad for good news regarding work, and it was great to see a picture of the kids and Sammy beside a cactus. You are in the Southwest now! Hope you find a good temporary home soon.

Anonymous said...

hope you find a place soon!!!the weather here has been really nice!!60 and sunny!!!last Gospel mt. tonight we have Jenny and Tanya here so it has been nice !!!miss you guys!!! have fun Devon and Kylee swimming and riding your bikes!!!hope Scotts first day of work goes good!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you made and are trying to get settled somewhere. Loved the picture of Devon and Kylee
and the dog and their big smiles. Chris and Katie have been very concerned for them and the big drive and have asked about them alot. All the best in your many adventures
Scott Shelley Chris Katie Joel