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Thursday, March 5, 2009

We finally got the news!

Well today we finally got the call we were waiting for. In one way, it has seemed like a long 5 weeks, waiting each day to find out where we are going to live temporarily, but in another way, we all have enjoyed having Scott home all the time. It sure is going to be a change when he is gone to work again.

Scott starts work in Marana, AZ (near Tucson) on the 16th of March. We are aiming to leave on Wed the 11th as travelling for 33 hours with 2 kids and a dog will take a few stops :)

Now.. off to continue with the packing and preparing the house to be empty for 6 months or so.


Anonymous said...

Glad Scott found work! I don't envy you your trip! I wish we were closer so I could help you get packed and ready!