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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

We are on our way...

We left this morning around 9:00. Travelled about 480 miles and made it to Dwight, Illinois at around 9:00 pm. We did make quite a few stops though - one for about an hour.
The kids did great. They were mostly entertained by talking back and forth on the two-way radios and cell phones (we have free talking phone to phone) Devon has been riding with Scott mostly, and Kylee with me. Sammy is riding in the back seat of the truck. He is doing good to. We did learn one thing though as we don't usually take Sammy in the vehicles - you don't feed a dog while travelling. I fed him one time we stopped and he threw it all up :( He must get motion sick, as he looks out the side window ALL the time.
Kylee started asking if we were in AZ around Lansing area - because there was no snow there :)
When we left home, it was 29 degrees, the highest we had today was in IN - 38 degrees.
Now off to bed - that was a long day!!