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Friday, April 24, 2009

Scotts back to work now

I am getting a little behind in blog posts, so I will try and catch up today, as we finally have a day with not much planned.

Everythings going good in AZ. Scott is back to work now, and they tell him that there is steady work lined up for a while now, so hope thats true! We have had a few extremely hot days - one at 102 degrees!! So if its like that in April, wondering what the summer will bring :) But back down in the 80s again now.

Convention is next week, so excited, and getting ready for that. Scott will have to work all 4 days, but his work is only about 20 minutes from the conv. He will be able to get there around 3:30, so will get some meetings. It is only about 45 min for us, so we plan to drive back and forth. We did bring our tent down here, but have heard that there are snakes in the tenting area, and I would rather not deal with that myself :) Yesterday, a bunch of us met at Melanie Wainrights with cookie dough, and we baked it there for the conv. Was a fun time, kids got to play, and we all got to sample everyones.