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Friday, April 17, 2009

Our Little Apartment

Some have been asking to see pictures of where we call home for now, so here are some.

Ours is right behind that big palm tree in the center of the picture

The living room and "kids bedroom"

Other side of the living room

Dining Room - Craft/Puzzle/school table at back

View from our patio - you can see the pool in the background

The kids sandbox - they spend alot of time here

With their friend - Emma


Adina said...

Thanks for the pics! Nice to be able to picture things there. Is Scott back to work?

Scott & Mary-Lynn said...

Not yet. He is to report to work on Tues the 21. Before he got that call, he found out from some of the friends who work at Bombardier here in Tucson, that they were hiring 2 guys. He had an interview there and is waiting to hear back from that. It wouild be another short-term contract on smaller airplanes. So not sure what he will end up doing.

mom said...

Your "home" is beautiful and kid-friendly! Consider it a paid vacation spot!

cherrycola said...

Nice to see the apartment. Surely different than MI and WI. Looks nice.