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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Time to Check In Again....

We have had a busy few weeks. Last week was convention at Casa Grande. Had a great convention!! All 4 days were in the 90's, but the air conditioning system they had really helped. Scott made it for Fri night and the weekend. We all came home pretty dirty every night, as the dirt there is like powder and everytime you take a step, the dirt poofs! We hear that if it gets windy, you get dirt in your hair and teeth and everywhere, although we didn't have that this year.

I think the summer weather is here to stay. The last two days, and all the days we can see in the forcast are all over 100 degrees!! The pool is our favorite place to be right now, and indoors in the a/c too. I am hearing of those who are starting to cut their grass and work in flower beds etc in MI, and I am feeling a little homesick. I really do enjoy doing those things and will miss it this year.

Scott received a letter that he didn't pass the vision test for depth perception for the border patrol, but was given a chance to go to an eye-dr and get retested giving results in actual numbers (I guess the test through the bp is more of a general test) He just passed that, so sending the reports in now and waiting to hear more.

He is now working with Bombardier, on a short-term contract. At evergreen, they laid a bunch more contractors off again - some were still in training!!, and rumors were going that there were more layoffs in the near future again, so he grabbed the job that he got offered at Bombardier back when Evergreen layed him off the last time. They were just going to fill the position that day when he called them back, so we were lucky on that one. He started Monday of this week, and is in training all week. His hours will be Mon-Fri 6:30 to 3:00 days!! We haven't had weekends off since Lansing!

Homeschooling isn't going so great now. Its hard to get them to sit down and do work when they want to play - although Devon loves it, home is just not a school setting for him. We do read a chapter book every night, but its hit and miss through the week for the paperwork stuff, so glad that summer vacation is almost here. Know that I don't want to do homeschooling next year now though, so hopefully we know a little more of where we will be for a longer period of time by September!