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Sunday, April 5, 2009

We went to a B-Day party at the Gymnastics Place

We went to Trevor Koessler's 5 year birthday party. His mom and dad are Steph and Jeff. Scott knew them when he lived here last time 12 years ago.

The kids went to a Gymnatics place and had a ball. There was a pit of soft foamy things that they could jump into, or bounce off of balls into. There were beams they could walk along. There was a trampoline level with the floor (pit underneath) that they could bounce on, and there was a place they could run and vault off a "diving board" onto a pile of mats. There also was a pinata, cake and icecream. Fun times!!

Devon is in the orange shirt, Kylee is ahead of him in the Pink.

Jumping into the pit of "foamy blocks"

You bounce onto your belly onto the ball and it throws you into the foam.

The trampoline


Adina said...

Looks like a lot of fun!