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Monday, April 13, 2009

Layed off Again :(

Well, we are holding our breath again... Scott is layed off here too :( But hopefully only for a short time. He went into work on Saturday morning and 10 minutes later they sent all the contractors home. Not enough work for everyone. He is to call in later today to see if there is any updates. They say for sure there will be a plane come in on the 21st, so that would probably be the latest he would be back to work. Thats what they are saying right now anyways.

Saturday was the first day that it rained since we got here. Was pretty cool - low 50's all day. We went to check out the "washes" (where the water runs down the mountains from rains, or snow melting) The washes go right through the city. But didn't see anything. Either we were too late, or there wasn't enough rain to do that. We also noticed that it snowed at the top of the mountains, so maybe thats why too.

We also went up to Casa Grande conv. preps on Saturday. There were alot of people there (we guess about 200) so the work got done pretty quickly. Convention starts the 30th of April, so coming soon!