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Sunday, April 5, 2009

We went up Mount Lemmon - 8000 feet up!

On Tuesday, we went to the top of Mount Lemmon, here in Tucson. We actually saw some snow, but not til close to the top. It took an hour to go up, most of it hairpin turns and views wayyy down, which I am not real fond of :) We stopped a few times to take pictures which I will add here, but the pictures really don't show what it was like. The steepness was amazing!!

At the top of the mountain, there is a ski hill, but it is closed for the summer already. There is also a small town Summerhaven. Some years ago, a forest fire went through the town, and burned almost everything, so whats there now is all rebuilt in the last few years. We picked up a brochure at the local realtors, and the prices of the homes are amazing!! You wouldn't think the economy was hurting at all after seeing those prices!

We went for a little hike at the top too. You really have to be careful, as there has been sightings in the last few years of mountain lions (same as cougars) We were told on the tour we took of Sabino Canyon of how to act if you see one, but hope we never come across one :) Both Scott and I were uncomfortable hiking because of that, so we didn't go far. It was also pretty cold up there. It was 66 degrees when we left the bottom, and at the top it was 45 degrees!!

A neat looking cactus we saw

You wouldn't catch me going that close to the edge!!

I thought the ski hill would have been bigger than this on a mountain!

Rebuilding Summerhaven at the top after the fire

Devon by the first snow we saw in Arizona. It was only 45 degrees!