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Monday, November 16, 2009

Devons 7th Birthday Party

Devon’s 7th Birthday will be
Out of This World!!

You have been selected as part of the Launch Crew for a mission to Outer Space!
Mission Objective: To help Commander Devon
have a Happy Birthday!

Launch Date: Friday November 13th
Countdown begins: 6:00 pm
Launch Site: Skilbred Space Station
Coordinates: 1075 North US 23

Communicate with Mary-Lynn @ mission control to confirm your participation in this mission at 724-6185

Yaa! I am finally 7!!!

Scrapbooking stickers come in handy for many things!

The space man hanging was made from aluminum foil formed around Devon - he thought that was so funny.

I did have a few organized "space games" but quit getting them ready as up until a few hours before the party, I thought only 2 kids were coming. (Rest were wondering if they were sick, but decided not) So here they are playing with the remote control "space rovers"