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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Border Patrol position looking bleak ... far in the future now

This past week, we found out on the forum that we are watching that the border patrol position Scott is waiting for is looking like its far in the future now. They have slowed way down on the hiring - they are only replacing those who retire or quit and because of the economy, people are hanging onto their jobs as long as they can.
I will attach a portion of the posting that we read to give you more details. It is written by a bp agent named Ray, who is involved with the hiring process. Scott is one of those 2500 people he mentions whose files are sitting on his desk - Scotts TSU (accepted) date is Aug 27th.

And the other news is.. at Kalitta, they are doing layoffs again in January :( Like last time, we probably won't know til the day of layoff how many or who is going. Life is so unstable, so glad we have something more than this life to look forward too!

Reducing the number of classes for this Fiscal Year.

A determination has been made and the classes that were on the training schedule for the 2nd quarter of this Fiscal Year (January thru March) will be reduced.

The reason for this is because we are not loosing people from the service like we have in the past. I think it is safe to say that the state of the economy has something to do with this.

The mandate or emphasis for the next few classes will be Northern Border. Those of you that applied under the Northern Border Announcement will be offered anywhere along the Northern Border. The positions we have to fill are far and few between. We have met the numbers for several of the locations on the Northern Border so when someone asks to be deferred for the 90 days don’t be surprised if and when you get another call and it’s NOT your area of preference. Since we are only filling attrition positions, we need people to leave the position for us to backfill it. It’s not happening! You may want to think twice about being deferred for 90 days. If you have a good job it can’t hurt. If you need a job I would take the offer on the table.

Just to remind people that applied for the Southwest Border you cannot change to the Northern Border. You are on a certificate that will only allow us to place you somewhere along the Southwest Border.

Things can change rapidly. I have been in this position too long and am nervous about where we will be going with offers. I want my staff and I to advise people of their options when we talk with them and hope they understand that the advice is based on what we currently know. The US Government has budget issues. This can trickle down to the point we don’t hire anymore because we have exceeded the budget for this Fiscal Year which explains why the number of classes have been reduced and the number of people we will schedule into a class has been reduced.

As it stands we have people that reached our area in late May that we haven’t been able to place. When we are given the Southwest Border for placement these will be the first people we call. You can figure this out if you reached us after May the time frame will be longer yet. If we told you it could be 4 to 6 months before you get a call, you can add another 4 to 6 months to that. I have over 2500 people cleared and sitting on my desk for the Southwest Border. Please understand we appreciate your patience.

I cannot stress enough that you need to take care of yourself and your family. You cannot be waiting around for us to call. Please go on with your life. IF and WHEN we call please let us know your situation and we will do our best to work with you. I just don’t want people waiting for us to make the move. It won’t benefit you or your family.