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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Been busy getting the fall outside stuff done!

I guess its been a little crazy around here the last little while. We are totally enjoying the Indian summer here - its been beautiful! And.. we are getting close to being all ready for the snow to come. The soffit and gutters are on, the leaves are all raked which is HUGE at this house. The back, and front upper decks are all stained now, and Scott is very close to getting all the railing all on. Will post a picture when that is completed. Just working on digging up the flower beds that got way overgrown when we were gone, and have some tulip bulbs to plant. Scott has a few little jobs to get done before the snow flies but shouldn't be a problem as all this week we are forecasted for nice weather too! The workers were here last week and helped us pull down and clean up a bunch of dead branches, clean out the ones that were in, and hanging over the pond, and we got the burn pile all burned up. Lookin good here now!!