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Monday, August 31, 2009

Gluten Free Pizza Crust Recipe

And... it takes just the same as the regular!!

Emeril's Gluten-Free Pizza Dough
Yield: 2 16 to 18-inch pizza crusts

1 cup water (105 – 115 degrees F)
1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons active dry yeast
1 1/2cups white rice flour
1/2 cup soy flour
1/2 cup rice flour
2 cups tapioca flour
2/3 cup instant non-fat dry milk powder
3 teaspoons xantham gum
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup hot water
3 tablespoons olive oil
4 egg whites at room temperature
Vegetable oil spray

Preheat the oven to 400ยบ F. Combine 1 cup of water (105 – 115 degrees F), 2 tablespoons active dry yeast and sugar. Let the yeast "bloom" in the water. Liberally spray two large baking pans with vegetable oil and set aside. Combine the white rice flour, soy flour, rice flour, milk powder, tapioca flour, xantham gum and salt in a bowl of a standing mixer with a paddle and set on low. Mix the flour well and then add the olive oil with the remaining 1/2 cup of water, slowly pouring into the bowl. Add the egg whites slowly until the mixture is well incorporated. Add the yeast mixture and increase the speed to high and continue to mix for 4 minutes.

Remove the dough from the mixing bowl and evenly divide into two balls. Place one of the dough balls onto each pan. Place a plastic glove or a plastic sandwich bag onto one of your hands and spray some of the vegetable oil onto the gloved hand. Using that hand, gently press each dough ball into a 13-inch circle about 1/4 inch thick, leaving the edges a bit thicker to prevent sauce from dripping onto the pan. Set aside for 10 minutes to rise.

Place the dough into the oven and let cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and top with your favorite sauce (recipes below) and ingredients. Place back into the oven and continue to cook until the crust is golden brown and crispy, 10 to 12 minutes longer. (Note: if the baking pan is not liberally greased, the dough will stick. If this happens, use a flat metal spatula to separate the dough from the baking pan.)