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Monday, August 3, 2009

Our Accident

Thursday was to be "Devons Day" He got to plan out our whole day with anything he wanted to do. He had a great day planned out, but things quickly changed. I am SO glad that we are all ok, as it could have been alot worse, if we got hit on the side rather than the front corner. We haven't got the final ok from the adjuster that it is a total, but we are almost positive that it is. The one corner of the van is gone - it pretty much twisted the whole motor and insides of the front. As we are looking at another vehicle, the bigger SUV's are pretty attractive right now, as the other lady had one, and only her front grill is wrecked.

Here's what happened.... I had just taken the exit off the freeway, taken a left and crossed back under the freeway. There is a frontage/service road right beside the freeway. We both say the light was green for us, but I do know that I followed cars off the freeway, and they went through the light ahead of me, so that pretty much confirms that my light was green. The two witnesses that stopped said they couldn't confirm the light situation. The lady that hit me, was coming up that service road. I am not sure how fast I was going, but couldn't have been going too fast as I had just taken a left turn. From the amount of damage the other lady must have been going pretty fast - the speed limit for her was 45. Its up to the two insurance companies to fight it out who's at fault.

Anyways, I am so glad that even though the van is done, none of us got hurt. Kylee had nothing, Devon had a seat-belt burn on his tummy, and I have a huge bruise on my right hip from the seat belt, and a whole lot of brusing on my rignt leg. I must have hit the console pretty hard. The airbag hit me on the chin and lips. Had pretty fat lips for a while, and a skinned up chin. Don't ever want to experience something like that again!