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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1st Grade!

First grade is going pretty good for Devon. We got his first progress report last week and seems he is doing excellent in all his classes. It is a long day for him though and he is really ready for the weekend when it comes.

This morning we had our first incident with not wanting to go to school. Seems that there is a new boy in the class that is being mean to others, Devon being one of them. His teacher is now aware that it really bothers Devon, so hopefully things change. I did bring him home, but at 10:00 he wanted to go into school, so I took him. They were having snack and recess, and I stayed and watched. He seemed to be having fun, and was ready to go back into school without me. So hopefully that's the end of it!!

He wanted to show everyone his first spelling tests, so here they are.


Dewey and Adina said...

Great job Devon!

mom said...

Good job, Devon! We knew you could do it.

Sorry to hear about the bully. Learning how to deal with it is a big part of education.