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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wow... Its been 5 months

Since we left MI!! In one way, it doesn't seem that long, in another, we are ready to move on. We have all had enough of the heat, and the apartment seems way too small!! It has been a fun time though.

Still no definite news of where we will be going or when we will be going, but the border patrol process is moving right along now. The background check is in process, and pretty close to done. We have heard from many of our references that they have had a visit with the investigators. Scott had his personal investigation on Monday. They came out to his workplace (Scott had to break the news to where he is working now, not good timing, as they are laying off at Bombardier) But so far, so good. His direct lead seems ok with it, so we cross our fingers that the job lasts as long as we need it.

Scotts interview was 2 hours long, with going though each place we lived, each place he worked in great details. They spent alot of time on the fact that I am Canadian, and our connections with Canada. How much we visit, if there is investments in Canada, if anyone we know could use anything in our past as blackmail to let vehicles, people though the borders, the fact that we have travelled a couple of times into mexico, etc. Seems that if we pass this, we are good to go for the academy, but we will get a letter letting us know.

Still no news from Kalitta up in MI, other than the fact that it is still slow, they hire on a few, and then let more go. So its the same story as when we were up there. Doesn't seem to promising to get hired on back there anytime soon. If Scott does get into the academy, I will head up north, put Devon in school up there and finish off the things we had going on the inside of the house and put it on the market and see what happens. We aren't too hopeful of selling it real soon, as not much is happening in real estate in the Harrisville area.