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Sunday, July 26, 2009


Had a few more pictures to post from on our way home (we stopped at Hoover Dam - it was 122 degrees down where you walk!! - That was quite a welcome back to the south) ... but they still are on the camera stick and Scott took the camera apart - its on the table right now in about 50 pieces :( Don't think its going back together. He took it apart to get a little wee fuzzy off the inside of the lens, and the further into it that he got, the more stuff he had to take apart to get to the lens, so I have a feeling that I will be camera shopping soon. Just can't do without a camera :)

Devon lost his first tooth last night (again I need my camera :) He was soo excited. It was just hanging, and while laying in bed he just pulled it out. So... he just couldn't sleep for his excitement! The adult tooth was already through about 2 weeks ago, behind the baby one.

In AZ, it's now the monsoon season. It is really humid and later in the day, almost every day, we get real dark clouds and thunder/rain storms. It usually gets real windy too. Most days now, the heat is anywhere's between 95 and 110 (a few days more than that). The humid makes it feel hot enough that you really don't want to be outside.

Devon has been accepted at a charter school - just 1/4 mile from where we live. Charter schools are free, but there is more parent involvement - volunteering etc (which I really enjoy doing), more variety in the curriculum such as music/arts/field trips etc. that you don't get in most public schools down here. The class sizes are alot smaller (1st and 2nd grade together in his school) There is more one on one, which they tell me that they can cater more to each students situation. This will be good for Devon, as he loves to be challenged and be busy all the time. He is really excited and is counting down the days. 8 more days he tells me today :) Aug 3rd seems too early to start to me, but he can't wait.

We have finally started hearing from the Border Patrol again. They are working on his background check - at least the Harrisville part so far. They have been emailing Scott the last few days with more questions, and want a few more references. So at least we know now, that we are still in the process and they haven't forgotten about us. Still could be a while though.

We will renew our lease next month here at the apartment. No news from Kalitta up in MI, so we are getting someone to start working on a couple of things that need to be done on the exterior of our house, that needs to be done if we do put it on the market. Won't do that for a couple of months anyways. I will need to get up there first, and spend some time finishing what we had going on the interior, but limited to Devons school schedule now.