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Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I found some $29 tickets to Appleton!! So, we made a quick decision to make our summer vacation trip for a week at Grandma and Grandpas in Ontario and a week to Grandma and Grandpas in Wisconsin. I was also able to find a great deal on a rental car, so it made it possible to surprise Grandma and Grandpa Baxter.

And what a surprise it was!! We arrived here on Thursday night just shortly after they went to bed. We were hoping to catch them just before they went, but the timing just didn’t work out. But at least we didn’t wake them. The look on Grandmas face was sooo worth the traveling :) I think she was shocked to see us at her door! The kids thought surprising them was so much fun. They could hardly contain themselves, especially when we were driving down their road – they were so excited and squealing, and practically jumping out of their seats!! A couple of times on the trip they wanted to call her, “but we won’t say what we are doing” but I didn’t think that they would be able to hold it in. :)

Here are a couple of pictures taken on our way here

Sunset we saw on our way to the airport

In the airplane

Devon was fascinated by the clouds - they were really poofy this time