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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Canoeing at Perrot State Park

Ok, I am a "little" behind on the blog, so hopefully this weekend, I can catch up.

On Sunday evening, and Monday the 6th, Dewey and Adina came up to Holmen to see us. We had a great time with them. As a last minute thought, they decided to bring along their canoe, and we were so glad they did. It was such a peaceful, beautiful day to be out on the water. The kids really enjoyed it. Devon decided that he really knew how to steer the boat (although I think Dewey was helping out more that Devon believed) And Kylee tried to paddle a little, but after we rescued her paddle a couple of times, we decided it best to just keep it in the boat, and she could dangle her hands in if she wanted.

Beautiful Wisconsin