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Sunday, July 19, 2009

At Grandma and Grandpa Skilbred's House

We had a great two weeks at Grandma and Grandpas in Wisconsin. The kids got to do so many special things - helping Grandma cook, listening to many, many stories, picking peas and raspberrys whenever they thought it sounded good, playing on the swings, playing ping pong, using Grandmas sewing machine, having a sleep-over and a whole day with Ryan Stein, swimming at the pool/waterslide in Holmen, sleeping on grandmas bedroom floor at night WOW - what a list!! They will remember all those fun things for a long time, I think!!

Cleo helped Devon find a rabbits nest, with really tiny babies in it, and Devon was enthralled with those baby rabbits! He also found a baby bluebirds nest, and grandma found him with a handful of baby bluebirds :) Devon also enjoyed the time Joel and Ben spent with him on the tractor, and playing frizbee.

We all enjoyed 2 more bonfires with weiner/marshmellow roasts. I had a special day with Rebecca - we went hiking up the bluff in Perrot State Park. It was beautiful weather and was great to see all the beautiful GREEN. I really miss that in Arizona.

Was great to see everyone again! Hopefully it works out again next summer, if not before.

With the Baby Bunny