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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

At Grandma and Grandpa Baxter's House

Back at Grandma and Grandpas house we all had fun too. We spent Tuesday and Wednesday there. I helped my mom peel off the wallpaper in the living room and dining room, and get it ready for the new wallpaper. The kids had a blast taking off the first layer of paper. Devon, as usual, loves jobs and always asks what he can do to help. So he happily pulled wallpaper, and filled the garbage bags with the scraps. Kylee helped once in a while too.

The rest of the time was spent with the kittys and dog, riding bikes, a four wheeler ride, and picking strawberries. Kylee loved playing with Grandmas “babies” – the dolls. Devon asked Grandma if one kitten had a name. It didn’t yet, and Grandma told Devon he could pick a name for him. Devon decided on Barny – as he lives on Grandpa’s farm and Grandpa has a barn so Barny sounded good to him :)