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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Charlotte's Web - Devons version - Chapter 1-4

I have read a few chapter books to the kids since we came here. We just started reading Charlotte's Web, which Devon is really enjoying. I thought it might be fun for him to create his own Charlotte's Web book, a fun way to finish Kindergarten for him.

In Kindergarten in MI, he had what they called "writers workshop" They would draw a picture and write a sentence about it - something that they had done or saw recently. The sentence was written on their own, with no help from the teacher as far as spelling. I think the idea was to work on sounding out words and learning to spell that way. It was marked 'good' as long as she could figure out what they had written.

I read a chapter or two every night to them before they go to bed. In the morning, Devon will do his writers workshop for what we read the night before. Here are the first 2 days work - chapters 1-4. Wilbur is the pig and Templeton is the rat in the story for those who haven't read it in a while :)

His writing says - Wilbur eating food.

His writing says - Wilbur talking to Templeton Will you be my friend