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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our weekend at Sedona and Grand Canyon

Saturday morning we made a quick decision (like normal :) to get away for the long weekend. We left 1 1/2 hours later and drove the 3 hours to Sedona. Its very beautiful up there. The weather was in the 70's but we had rain part of the day. We drove around a bit, then stopped at a tourist information place to find out the best places to see. We were told that all the hotels were booked in the area, but could stay one night at a resort for a cheap rate, but had to go to their time-share meeting the next day. The room we stayed in was very nice with a fireplace that we did use, as the rain kinda made it damp. Sunday after meeting, our meeting at the resort was at 12:30, but we were an hour late because of all the traffic. That meeting kinda ruined our afternoon, as it was after 4:00 before we got out of there.

After the meeting, we took a scenic drive, but didn't get too far as the traffic was bumper to bumper, just crawling. We would like to go back sometime on a normal weekend. We found out that wasn't the place to go on a long weekend! We stopped at a hiking trail head, and hiked for an hour or so. VERY beautiful.

Sunday night, we stayed at Glenn and Debbie Tenniswoods. Monday, they took us up to Grand Canyon for the day (a 2 hour drive) That was beautiful too, the pictures don't show the beauty really. We walked along the rim for a while and then hiked down a trail for a while. I really was a basket-case as they don't have railings along the path, and its straight down in places - its 4600 feet deep!! Thats a place to go with no kids :) From rim to rim, its between 8 and 16 miles across!!


Grand Canyon


Duane & Liz said...

I have always wanted to go the the Grand Canyon!! looks like it would be worth it!!! so pretty!!!are you scrap booking your pitures?? Devon and Kylee how did you like going there??? did you see any animals??? I like your writngs and pictures of charlottes web!!! thats a good book!!I remember reading it to our kids!!!

mom said...

We midwesterners have no idea what the southwest is like. Your pictures should make a great scrapbook or calendar for next year!

Scott & Mary-Lynn said...

Yes, I do plan to make an Arizona scrapbook! Can't wait to get started!! Getting very close to finishing my cruise one - finally!
Grand Canyon is worth the trip - it is really beautiful, the pictures don't show it like when you are really there. The size is awesome!! I will let Devon type his answers later today Liz :)

Scott & Mary-Lynn said...

this is devon. i likt gran canyn. we so gekos. by