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Friday, May 8, 2009

The Puzzle is Finished!

The puzzle has been done for over a week now, but just finally got to taking a picture of it. Devon loves it, and can't wait til we get a frame around it to hang in "his room". It really does look pretty in the dark too. All the white and the windows in the train glow in the dark.


Anonymous said...

wow what a neat puzzle!!!how many pieces were in it???whats the next project???it was fun talking to you Devon!!call again some time!!!

mom said...

Impressive! And that will help the apartment feel more like home. Was it a 1000 pieces?

Scott & Mary-Lynn said...

Yes, it was 1000 pieces!! Right now, working on scrapbooking.
Looking for another 1000 pc puzzle for Kylees room, possible with butterflies to match her room, AND she would like glow in the dark too :) So will see what we can find.