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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Flat Stanley Visits Us

We were excited when we got "Flat Stanley" in the mail from Leanna. We had never heard of him before, but this project was interesting to Devon and Kylee. It was based on a childrens story that Leanna's class is reading, where a boy named Stanley gets hit with a bulletin board, and it flattens him. His family decide it is a great time to send him on a vacation - cheaper than airplane ticket, just stuff him in an envelope and send him that way. It tells of his experiences he has on his vacation.
For Leanna's school project, we were to take Flat Stanley around our area. We were to take pictures, get some postcards, souvineers etc. We were to mail them back to Leanna's, along with Flat Stanley. It was a fun way for the kids in her class to learn about different areas.
Devon and Kylee had fun with it (so did I, as I got to make a mini scrapbook with the pictures and postcards :)
Here are a couple that we took

Well, this one we didn't take, but it is the Flat Stanley that Leanna colored and sent to us

By the lighthouse close to our house

On our beach - Lake Huron