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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

In Love with Chicks!!

These things are so cute - right now anyways :) They are little fluffballs. Scott thought it would be fun for the kids to each have a chick to raise, but when he came home after ordering them, he broke the news that we were getting 19!! We got 10 meat birds - which are to be ready to butcher in 8 weeks! and NO we are not doing that part!!, 8 layers and a rooster, well ended up with 2 roosters as 1 was unclaimed at the end of the day, so Peg dropped it off here on her way home. The kids love them, actually the first night, Kylee wanted to take one to bed with her :) So, now Devon has chores to do, actually Scott has been doing them most days as he is enjoying them just as much!

These pictures were taken the 2nd day we had them. They are born one day, shipped to you the next morning, so 1 day old when you pick them up!