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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Kindergarden Round-up!

Kylees kindergarden roundup was last week, and she sure was one happy little girl!! She is super excited about going to kindergarden. I will probably be asked a million times before the summer is over, how much longer til the first day of kindergarden.
We met with half the kindergardeners - about 22 of them (there will be 45 total in 2 classes) for a half day. They took the kids in groups of 4 to different stations they had set up, basically to find out how much they know - recognizing letters and numbers, writing their name, colors, shapes, cutting, gluing and tying shoe laces etc. The only thing she didn't know was how to tie shoes. They took them into a different room to do these things, and when Kylees name was called, she jumped up, said bye mom, and didn't look back. I was kinda sad!! My little baby, and the toddler that clung to me 24/7 is all grown up! Guess she is ready for school, whether I am or not.