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Friday, September 23, 2011

Hummingbirds and more hummingbirds!!

This is what our hummingbird feeder looks like some days lately. Seems that we are in their migration path. Very interesting to watch all the action. Some days we go through 3 cups of water/sugar a day! Then for a day or so, goes down to 1 cup. One of the friends here has a video of hundreds of them at his 4 feeders at once!


mom said...

How interesting! Are they all ruby-throated, or different kinds of hummingbirds?

Scott & Mary-Lynn said...

We have seen a few ruby throated ones, but there are many different kinds... we notice the range in sizes of them - very noticable difference. And some have a very long beak, some are very agressive and chase the rest all away by flying into the others with its beak. You can actually hear the clicking of when the wings or beaks hit when they are doing this. The colors on them aren't as vivid as up north. We wonder if there are alot of younger ones coming through. I actually watched a baby sitting on the feeder but with its head tipped back and beak wide open. Momma was eating beside it and feeding it! It is very interesting!