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Friday, April 22, 2011

What we spend our days doing

We sure do stay busy... here are the things I have taken time to capture in a picture. The latest game is called "playing bags" :) It is usually very windy here. They take a Walmart bag out into the wind, and let the wind carry it and chase it. Love their imagination! Will have to try and get a pic of that one before we leave.

Riding bikes, although it is not a good place to bike - we have replaced 3 inner tubes so far - too many cactus prickys!

Putting rocks on the chain and spinning the peddles to watch the rocks fly off the other end :)

Doing puzzles - looks like Sammy is trying to help in this one!

That Cinderella one is 300 pieces! Thats the biggest they have ever done, and they did it all on their own.

Making things with clay. this one is a cup, blueberries, peas, corn, jelly beans and a bird sitting on a nest


mom said...

Neat artwork with the clay!

Your outing adventures are probably the most remembered part of your school days.

I would miss the hills and trees, too, I think.