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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Trip to New Mexico

So glad Cliff was willing to drive us down. I first had the trailer loaded tongue heavy. The night before we left, Duane decided that we should unload and reload to fix this. So the next morning we pulled most of our trailer (and truck - you wouldn't believe how much I had packed into that truck!!) out onto Duanes driveway and started it all over. We left behind a few of the bigger and heavier stuff. Well, then we ended up with it rear heavy, so it was slow going... if you went over 60 mph the trailer wanted to sway. We left around 11:00 Thursday morning and got into Artesia shortly after lunch on Saturday. All the driving I did was from Harrisville to Flint where I picked up Cliff from the airport - that was about enough of that stress for me!! The kids did very well travelling.

Here we are! Notice the luggage bags on top of the trailer - we were loaded!!

This was quite unusual so had to take a picture of it. It says 44 degrees but its snowing outside (the picture didn't turn out real well and looks like rain, but its snow) Actually I think there was something wrong with the thermometer and it was registering heat from the engine or something) but it made for a good picture :)

Passing the time with clay - thanks to Grandma S!

I think this was eggs in a nest.

Love kids imaginations!! These these are what they decided were phones and they would talk to each other or Cliff or I. Kylees is a snow scraper

And Devons is the phone portion off my fax machine. I had unplugged it earlier so it didn't get caught on something while I packed it in the truck