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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Our "30 homeschool points" Fun Days #1

Not sure if I wrote about this before, but we heard about a fun way for the kids to work for "points" for a fun day off school and decided to try it. It really helped the attitude towards school and gave them incentive to get their work done. Each day they could earn up to 3 points... one for completion of all worked planned for the day, one point for neatness in writing (otherwise I could hardly read some of the writing - they were just trying to get it done fast) and one point for good attitude towards school and not complaining that they didn't want to this or that. Every 30 points (about 2 weeks, or a few days more) we would take a day off school and do something fun, of their choice. Amazing how that little incentive worked!! Here are some pics of the first fun day... We went to the riverwalk in Carlsbad, went for a walk/bike ride, played at the huge playground, and played in the water.