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Friday, May 28, 2010

The chicks sure grow fast!

Here they are 1 week old. They are sure growing - have outgrown their box. Tonight Scott is going to open and tape together 2 boxes for them while we build the fence around the garden shed for them this weekend. They are starting to get ugly now, fuzz is falling off and wings and tail feathers are starting to grow.

Chicks visit the Preschool

We took the chicks into the preschool for 15 minutes. The kids loved them, and all wanted a turn to hold them. They sure got a good initiation to kids. They were up-side-down, dropped, passed around and even kissed!

Preschool Field Trip - Restaurant Experience

Kylees preschool went to a local restaurant for a field trip. They were learning restaurant manners, how to order, they had to pay themselves and leave the tip themselves. Was glad I was able to go and help. Was a fun morning!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Garden Time!

What a great spring it has been! The garden is all in now, and the flowers are planted.

Kids had a blast when we rented this tractor from someone Scott knows from work. And Scott had fun playing too :)

Fun with bubbles

A new fun thing for Kylee to do while I am at work.

This is the beautiful view I have from work when I go to the eye-doctors house. There is a huge patio door and 4 windows looking out this way.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

In Love with Chicks!!

These things are so cute - right now anyways :) They are little fluffballs. Scott thought it would be fun for the kids to each have a chick to raise, but when he came home after ordering them, he broke the news that we were getting 19!! We got 10 meat birds - which are to be ready to butcher in 8 weeks! and NO we are not doing that part!!, 8 layers and a rooster, well ended up with 2 roosters as 1 was unclaimed at the end of the day, so Peg dropped it off here on her way home. The kids love them, actually the first night, Kylee wanted to take one to bed with her :) So, now Devon has chores to do, actually Scott has been doing them most days as he is enjoying them just as much!

These pictures were taken the 2nd day we had them. They are born one day, shipped to you the next morning, so 1 day old when you pick them up!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fun in the Kayak!

Saturday we decided it was nice enough to get the kayak down. We did have fun, although it was a little chilly! Scott and the kids were going to fish for a while, but after reading the guide (after we were all in the kayak and out in the lake) we figured out that the season for bass doesn't open til next weekend, so we paddled back, got rid of the fishing gear, and spent the morning paddling around the lake. Had a great time, but I think next year, we are going to have to invest in another kayak!!

We were a full boat :)

Just chillin

Stopped on a little island and walked around for a while.

Update of the work we're doing in the house

The living room as it was when we bought the house

And... now.

Yaa! We finally got the carpet in - and what a difference just carpeting makes. Finally feels and looks finished. And sooo soft on the feet after walking on the plywood - and a super thin area rug - for 2 years!

And our "flashy" bathroom upstairs when we bought the house :)

And... now!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yaaa! All caught up!

Yaa! Finally - I took the afternoon to blog! A whole months worth in one day! Really wish we had high speed at home, but for now, the library's works great!

Fun teasing Kylee

Well, this bunny is a favorite of Kylees right now. Scott has been having fun teasing her with it lately. He hides it all over the place. Well, the other morning, we opened the fridge to get the milk for our cereal, and this is what we found. Kylee had to call Scott at work and ask him why he put Bunny in there. Of course, she knew right away who did it :)

Kindergarden Round-up!

Kylees kindergarden roundup was last week, and she sure was one happy little girl!! She is super excited about going to kindergarden. I will probably be asked a million times before the summer is over, how much longer til the first day of kindergarden.
We met with half the kindergardeners - about 22 of them (there will be 45 total in 2 classes) for a half day. They took the kids in groups of 4 to different stations they had set up, basically to find out how much they know - recognizing letters and numbers, writing their name, colors, shapes, cutting, gluing and tying shoe laces etc. The only thing she didn't know was how to tie shoes. They took them into a different room to do these things, and when Kylees name was called, she jumped up, said bye mom, and didn't look back. I was kinda sad!! My little baby, and the toddler that clung to me 24/7 is all grown up! Guess she is ready for school, whether I am or not.

Consequences of a 7-year old's fun

And... our first broken window! Devon was playing with his fishing pole with a big bolt on the end of it (yes, Scott tied it on there for him!!) Not too long after he started casting, he learned that is aim was pretty bad - or good - I'm not sure which. And it had to be the biggest window in the house!! But, it was the worst one as far as foggy between the panes. So, I guess that's one way to get the windows replaced that need to be.

Digging out the pond

This was another one of Scotts projects last month. He decided to drain out the pond and dig out the decaying leaves and muck from the bottom. If you stepped in certain places, it didn't take long and it would suck his boots down under!

And what to do with a zillion tadpoles???

Remember the science project we had in the house - the frogs eggs in the acquarium? Well this is what it looked like a few weeks later!! Then Scott was scrambling, trying to figure out what you feed a zillion tadpoles.
But I am happy to report that the project got moved to the garage!! They weren't doing so well. Not sure if it had to do with not feeding them at all, or the too warm temperatures in the house.
Then, they got dumped back into the pond as they still weren't doing too well in the garage either.

We can "wear" bare feet!!

One of the last days in April - close to 80 degrees!! The kids were excited to "wear" bare feet, putting it in their words :)

A new experience - Starting tomatos inside

We decided to try growing our tomatos and peppers from seed this year - something that I have never done before. The kids did all the planting, and they were to water them daily, but that seems to be the job I inherited :) But they do go and check on them every day and comment on which ones are taller, or whose seem to be growing better.

They are all doing well so far!

Flat Stanley Visits Us

We were excited when we got "Flat Stanley" in the mail from Leanna. We had never heard of him before, but this project was interesting to Devon and Kylee. It was based on a childrens story that Leanna's class is reading, where a boy named Stanley gets hit with a bulletin board, and it flattens him. His family decide it is a great time to send him on a vacation - cheaper than airplane ticket, just stuff him in an envelope and send him that way. It tells of his experiences he has on his vacation.
For Leanna's school project, we were to take Flat Stanley around our area. We were to take pictures, get some postcards, souvineers etc. We were to mail them back to Leanna's, along with Flat Stanley. It was a fun way for the kids in her class to learn about different areas.
Devon and Kylee had fun with it (so did I, as I got to make a mini scrapbook with the pictures and postcards :)
Here are a couple that we took

Well, this one we didn't take, but it is the Flat Stanley that Leanna colored and sent to us

By the lighthouse close to our house

On our beach - Lake Huron