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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Break - Trip to Grandma and Grandpas

We had a great spring break - was great to have the kids home all day. Through the week, we didn't do anything too special as I was working and would only be able to get away for a day, but enjoyed the layed-back schedule of vacation. It was awesome weather and we spent alot of time outside. Was also great to be able to bring both kids to work with me! They played outside alot at the Dr's house so it was pretty quiet inside so I still got my work done easily. I work in her basement which is a walkout with huge windows and patio doors, so it was easy to keep an eye on them.

On Thursday, Scott flew to NM, rented a penske truck and drove our stuff from storage back home. The kids were super excited to see their bikes and all their toys they have been asking for!! And... they had all the toy boxes emptied within an hour and were exclaiming "Oh ya, I forgot about this!!" Was fun listening to them :)

So, for the weekend - and our spring break vacation, the kids and I went to my mom and dads. Just about missed the maple syrup season, but did get in on gathering up the buckets/lids/spiles. (1200 of them!!) Was a beautiful day, although we did get rained on for the last 1/2 hour. The kids helped for most of the morning, but then had fun riding on and running behind the 4-wheeler.