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Friday, June 5, 2009

We've been keeping busy!

This last little while has been a whirlwind of stuff going on, which has been lots of fun!! On Friday the 29th, we got to babysit a little 1-year old, Naomi, while her mom had a new baby. The kids thought it was so much fun! They amused her more than I did really :) She really took to Devon. When we read stories, she had to sit on his knee rather than mine. Finally Devon said, "Mommy take her off!!" Naomi was a little scared of Sammy when she first came, but by the time she left, she was giving him hugs. We got to take her into the hospital to see the new baby for the first time. That was adorable to watch. Naomi loved her right from the start. Here is some pictures of when we watched her.

We have been back to the splash park with some friends, we went down to visit the new baby for a few hours, we have gone swimming with friends at the YMCA. It has a waterslide, but Kylee was too little for it, and Devon wanted to do it, and climbed the stairs, but was a little too scared as the water at the bottom is up to his neck. They wouldn't let me go with him for the first time. Maybe next time he said.

Then Thursday morning I babysat for another family. I will be doing that one morning a week now. They are some kids from our meeting. The mom is a nurse and she works nights. She is home when I am there, but is sleeping. They have 4 kids, but 2 of them are older 13 and 9 I think. The two I watch are 3 and 7. The kids all had fun together and are looking forward to doing that once a week.

Scott found out that he passed the depth perception test for the medical that he had to get retested for the border patrol. So that is still moving forward. Just the background check that is showing pending now. Still just a waiting game. He is enjoying his job that he has now. Most of it is outside in the hot sun, which he says hasn't been too bad. Seems that they leave his crew on their own alot as they are away from the hanger and the rest of the mechanics. He has been puttig in some overtime lately, which is kinda nice to cover for the time he was layed off.