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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fun at the Library

We are doing the summer reading program at the library. For every 6 hours of reading to the kids, or Devon reading to Kylee, they get a prize. After 30 hours of reading they get free tickets to Breakers - a waterslide park. We have been working on it for about a month now, and have almost reached 18 hours. Here are pictures of them with their first two prizes. Also, they have special prgrams going on throughout the summer. We have been to a puppet-making day and a day where they brought in some live birds and told us about some of the birds you find in the desert here.

With the buttons after reading 6 hours

With a pencil and an "adventure pass" (discounts for attractions in the area) after reading 12 hours

The "Devon" puppet

The "Kylee" puppet