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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Babysitting the Lennox kids

I have been babysitting for one of the friends that go to our meeting, for one morning a week. The kids have really enjoyed this. It gets us out of the apartment a little and gives Devon and Kylee some "kid time"

With Kayhoni (not sure if thats spelled right:)

With Bryce

Its fun to jump on the trampoline with the hose spraying on it.

The girls at the pool

The boys at the pool

Fun at the Library

We are doing the summer reading program at the library. For every 6 hours of reading to the kids, or Devon reading to Kylee, they get a prize. After 30 hours of reading they get free tickets to Breakers - a waterslide park. We have been working on it for about a month now, and have almost reached 18 hours. Here are pictures of them with their first two prizes. Also, they have special prgrams going on throughout the summer. We have been to a puppet-making day and a day where they brought in some live birds and told us about some of the birds you find in the desert here.

With the buttons after reading 6 hours

With a pencil and an "adventure pass" (discounts for attractions in the area) after reading 12 hours

The "Devon" puppet

The "Kylee" puppet

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Our Garden in the Patio

We all really missed the garden at home, so I decided to try doing one in tubs out in the patio. These pictures are a week or so old, so now most things are popping through the dirt. The kids are having fun watering them, and get so excited when they see more come through or how big the plants are getting. Devon faithfully waters them right after he gets dressed in the morning. We planted lettuce, green beans, yellow beans, regular peas and then the peas that you eat the pod as well. Not sure if we will still be here when they start to produce, and not sure how well the transporting will go if we have to move them with us, but it is fun for the kids, and hope we can get some veggies off them.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Charlottes Web - Devons Version Chapter 17-22

Here is the last few chapters of Charlottes Web done by Devon. I am going to punch some holes and bind this book for him to keep with his Kindergarden stuff. He really enjoyed this story, and it was a fun way to end off the year for homeschooling. That was our last project for Kindergarden, so now he is officially on summer vacation!!

His words say "Mrs Arable is giving the children money"

His words say "Charlotte made an egg sac. She had 514 baby spiders"

His words say "Charlottes babys are coming out"

Friday, June 5, 2009

We've been keeping busy!

This last little while has been a whirlwind of stuff going on, which has been lots of fun!! On Friday the 29th, we got to babysit a little 1-year old, Naomi, while her mom had a new baby. The kids thought it was so much fun! They amused her more than I did really :) She really took to Devon. When we read stories, she had to sit on his knee rather than mine. Finally Devon said, "Mommy take her off!!" Naomi was a little scared of Sammy when she first came, but by the time she left, she was giving him hugs. We got to take her into the hospital to see the new baby for the first time. That was adorable to watch. Naomi loved her right from the start. Here is some pictures of when we watched her.

We have been back to the splash park with some friends, we went down to visit the new baby for a few hours, we have gone swimming with friends at the YMCA. It has a waterslide, but Kylee was too little for it, and Devon wanted to do it, and climbed the stairs, but was a little too scared as the water at the bottom is up to his neck. They wouldn't let me go with him for the first time. Maybe next time he said.

Then Thursday morning I babysat for another family. I will be doing that one morning a week now. They are some kids from our meeting. The mom is a nurse and she works nights. She is home when I am there, but is sleeping. They have 4 kids, but 2 of them are older 13 and 9 I think. The two I watch are 3 and 7. The kids all had fun together and are looking forward to doing that once a week.

Scott found out that he passed the depth perception test for the medical that he had to get retested for the border patrol. So that is still moving forward. Just the background check that is showing pending now. Still just a waiting game. He is enjoying his job that he has now. Most of it is outside in the hot sun, which he says hasn't been too bad. Seems that they leave his crew on their own alot as they are away from the hanger and the rest of the mechanics. He has been puttig in some overtime lately, which is kinda nice to cover for the time he was layed off.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Charlotte's Web - Devon's Version Chapter 12-16

His words say "Mrs Arable talking to the doctor"

His words say "Buttermilk Mrs Zuckerman washing Wilber"