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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summer Vacation 2012 - Iron Bridge

We made a last minute decision to go ahead with our annual summer vacation... up north to see family. Scott drove us up to San Antonio (on our 13th anniversary) and we all stayed in a hotel there to catch an early morning flight 5:45 am!! to Flint. Rented a car and headed up to Iron Bridge for our first stop. We landed in Flint (with 2 layovers) pretty much the same time as Scott arrived back home to Mission!! Here are a few pics from IB... all out of order. Blogger has changed their layout/uploading so I am not sure how to get them in order...
Drinking hot chocolate to warm up after beach time
A team work-out :)
Lots of kitty and puppy time...
And game time...

Fresh veggies right from the garden... yummy!
And with Grandma and Grandpa


Anita said...

Don't remember how I got the link for your blog but I stop by from time to time- your kids are really growing!
It was great to meet your mom this summer! What a pleasant surprise! (At Dunnville) Very nice to see her pic here!!

Anita said...

Ps- I'm a co-worker of S' Aunt Sharon and old friend of his parents' from WI. :)

Scott & Mary-Lynn said...

I remember you Anita!! Thanks for stopping by, and glad you got to meet my mom and made the connection.