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Thursday, March 31, 2011

A new look for a new adventure!

Yep - our life sure isn't boring!! We're off to a new home, new state, new career and new friends! And the best part is... we are back to being a whole family again!!

Our 2 weeks in Wisconsin

Craft time with the Blazek cousins.

Fun with straws

Baking bread with Grandma

Games and more games

Ice Cream and Playtime at McDonalds

Skilbred Snow Family of 2011

The dogs had a blast together!

Games and more games at Dewey and Adinas

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Snow Tubing!

Fort McCoy, WI
What a fun day! We picked the perfect day. It had been warm early in the day, the got colder and froze the tubing paths. We went super fast and went clear to the end at the bottom. Talking to one of the ladys that work there, she said that only happens a few times through the year. We were 3 tired people that night!

The best way to go sliding! A tow rope to pull you back up.

Being Silly

Devon helping put the tubes away at the end of the day.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Birthdays and more Birthdays

The theme for Kylee this year was "Jewels" She likes sparkly gems right now. Didn't spend much time on doing anything real different or special this time, but this cake is what I came up with for "Jewels" Can't believe my baby just turned 6!!

And heres the other January birthday.

Painting... Painting... Painting

And here is the work of that 3 weeks - well most of it was done in a week. A coat of primer (I didn't do very much of that) and 2 coats of paint on all walls and ceilings of a something like 1700 square foot house. I do love painting, but that took care of my painting fix for a bit. Actually, its 2 months later and I wouldn't mind doing another room again now :) It was fun and I am glad it worked out that I got in on it.

And yes, I am afraid of heights. The scaffolding didn't bother me too bad... it was when I had to climb up on top of the shelf/wall above the pantry to paint the top peak and you could see right down to pretty much the basement that got a little scary for me!

Some homeschool did happen. With questions answered from the scaffolding!

The kids wanted to help pretty bad... but had to come up with their version of painting. Love their imaginations! Some water and cardboard.

Devon helping Uncle Ron open the boxes of cabinets

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Our 3 weeks in Iron Bridge

We are so glad it worked out that we got to spend some time in Iron Bridge before we headed south. Lots of fun times (and work - that will come in the next post) during those 3 weeks.


And games


And giggling

Learning to cross country ski in boots and skis that are adult size :)

Accidents and....

More accidents - all part of learning :)

Notice the poles :)