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Monday, December 6, 2010

Devons 8th Birthday

I took the easy way out for a party for Devon this year. Scott had to go to Detroit on the 10th for his fitness test for the border patrol, so we thought we would combine that with Devons birthday. I did ask him before-hand if that was ok, or if he wanted a party instead... he chose the surprise (he didn't know any more that we were going to Detroit)
So each thing was a surpise to him... he didn't even know I took his presents or cupcakes with us. Was fun to see the look of surpise and delight with each thing. We stayed in a hotel with a water slide, a pool, and another whirlpool that whirls you in circles. He wanted a science birthday, so I took along some science fun to do. When Scott was testing, I took the kids to Chuck E Cheeses and then we all went to McDonalds playland for lunch.

Here was my science twist to it all...
Purpose: To give my 8 year old the best birthday of his life!
Hypothesis: I think Devon will have a blast and will really like the surpises planned.
Information: His family will take him to some places unknown to him, but he has to be patient for a 3 1/2 hour drive to find out what it is. Lots of science fun will be taken for him to try out.

Observations and Conclusions... written by scientist Devon...

my brithday was fun!
I loved my surprises.
love devon.

This is the whirlpool - this water is actually going around pretty fast - you can't hold yourself still no matter how hard you hang on to the edges

Notice the "test tubes" with cake decorations in them :)

Scientists decorating the cupcakes

...and the end result

amazed at the chemical reactions of vinegar, baking soda and food coloring

creations made with toothpicks and marshmellows

Lots of fun at Chuck E Cheeses