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Friday, July 30, 2010

Meat hens are in the freezer

Nine weeks later... its hard to believe the little yellow fluff balls turned into this that fast! They dressed out between 5.5 lbs and 8.3 lbs.

This was taken the day before we took them up to the Amish farm to be processed.

The garden finally looks nice again!

After weeding for 2 days, and taking out 8 wagon loads of weeds like this from my garden,

I just had to take a picture to show how good it looked again. Next year, I am going to invest in some of that black weed barrier. That is just too much work!

Vacation #2 - Kentucky

We are glad we were able to make it down to Kentucky this year to see Wanda. We enjoyed our time very much with her.

The neighbor friends had a pool that the kids were glad to spend time at. Then we went to an interesting museam. They had some neat things for the kids to do too.

The setup of an old schoolhouse.

Kylee is getting ready to collect honey

Kylee thought it was pretty fun to play "nurse" on daddy, while Devon drove the ambulance...

This squirrel was not afraid at all!

The dogs that lived at the house where we stayed.

Gluten-Free Pancakes or Waffles

1 cup rice flour
3 Tblsp tapioca flour
1/3 cup potato starch
4 Tblsp dry buttermilk powder
1 Tblsp sugar
1 ½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
½ tsp xanthan gum
2 eggs
3 Tblsp oil
1 ¾ cup water

In bowl, mix dry ingredients. Add last 3 ingred and blend well until few lumps remain.

Chicken Sandwich Spread - Gluten Free

Because deli meat is one of the questionable foods, I found this recipe that Scott really likes to use on gluten-free English muffins and gluten-free crackers etc.

1 cup chopped cooked chicken
¼ cup mayonnaise
½ tsp prepared mustard
¼ tsp dill weed
1 sliced green onion (I don’t usually put this in)
¼ tsp lemon juice

Mix ingredients and serve.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Vacation #1 -Camping and Water Fun

We were invited to go camping with the Dellars - Duane and Liz, Bruce and Amy, Rick and Stacy, Us and some of the Buurmas came over from Canada. Got to camp about 4:30 Thursday afternoon, and were there through Sunday. It was right in Oscoda, so Scott didn't have to take any time off work - only 3 minutes away!
We all had a blast!! Duane has a jetski, so lots of jetskiing, tubing, kayaking, swimming, canoe trip, bonfires, and just a relaxing time around the campfires.
The weather was perfect... we did have a little rain the first night, but we stayed dry, and warm and sunny the rest of the time. Devon did get a little sunstroke I think - tummy felt funny, headache, sunburn, so we made sure he drank alot the next day, and seemed fine after a good nights sleep.
After the first tube ride, I asked the kids if they thought it was fun. They both yelled YES!! But then Devon struggled for words trying to tell me how much fun it was... then after a pause, he said "Well, its just MORE than fun!"
A perfect summer vacation!

Devon, are you ready for this! YES!!!

Kylee, are you ready? YES!!!

First time on a tube!!

Devons first time in control of the kayak! So we loaded him up! He did very well at steering and never tipped over, so I guess he passed the test :) Although he does look a little scared!

Some of the kids even tried to tip him, not understanding what they could cause by doing this!

Watch out for the water gun!

Campfire noon and night.

All the kids that camped with us.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Kids Summer Pictures

Photo time again!!

And of course, it has become a tradition to do a silly one :)

July 4th

well...here, it was celebrated on the 3rd. We had a fun-filled day! And to top it all off, it was our first open house (which no one showed up). Took the kids to the parade in Harrisville, and then to the fireworks down at the harbor.

A couple of my favorites.

Fun with Friends

Face Painting

We were at the park in Harrisville and they were doing face painting, so the kids had to give it a try.

Devons Pottery Class

Devon took a pottery class at the library. They made windchimes. Didn't get a completed picture of it as he dropped it 10 minutes after we got home
:( But he did have fun doing it.