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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

For Sale...

Well I guess its for real now. Not sure if I am happy or sad - maybe a little of both! We put the house up for sale a couple of days ago. We are just going to take the future as it comes.

The border patrol option is getting closer now. Possibly this fall or early winter. We already know that if we still have the house, the kids and I won't be able to go south while Scott is in the academy - we learned last summer its not fun to pay mortgage and rent!! It's not like we will get to see him much when he is in the academy, but at least may be able to spend a day or two with him on the weekends. I am not sure I can do 5 months apart, well we may have to, but we will try to make it not have to be so.

And... if Scott doesn't make it though the academy, then we want to move off this highway anyways!! It has worked great for these 2 1/2 years we have been here, but there are a few things we want to change. We want to have a hobby farm (which we have already started with the chicks!!) but there is no place to raise a calf for beef here and Scott really wants to do that. We will have to do major renovations upstairs within the next couple of years as the kids bedrooms now are attached (walk through one room to get to the next) and Devon doesn't want to be downstairs by himself yet. With the slope of the roofline, we would have to bump up and out the whole trusses/roof, so will cost quite a bit. We can't open the windows at night because of the traffic on the highway now with a zip strip, the kids have no where to ride their bikes - all hill here and driveway slopes down into the highway, so I won't let them ride there. Kylee wants kittys real bad, and living on the highway is not the place. So nothing major at all, but alot of small things we would like to make different.

We are going to try and sell on our own for a while and see what happens. If by fall we haven't sold, maybe consider listing with a realtor. Being right on the highway, there will be alot of people see just driving by. (We had the first person pick up an information sheet this morning!!)I will advertise in the paper when I decide when I can do an open house, and will also put out info page up on some bulletin boards around the towns here.

If it does sell, we will rent for a while til we find out what happens with the border patrol. If border patrol doesn't work out, we plan to find 5 acres or so and build a house on it, between Harrisville and Lincoln area. We don't want to go closer to Oscoda where Scott works now, as the schools down there are known not to be the greatest for drugs and alcohol.

So... again a new chapter in life may start for us. We will see what happens...