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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Had a great weekend in Guelph

The kids were on their mid-winter break from school, so we decided to take a long weekend and go to Guelph to see and the family there. We all had a great time. Was great to see Grandma too, and to get in on a one-year birthday. Hard to believe that Tayah is one already!!
The guys went on a fishing trip up to Lake Simcoe, to my cousin Martins fishing hole. They had lots of fun, and came back with a few fish that are alot larger than what they catch here in the winter. Had some exciting stories to tell too - guess they went over a few pressure cracks, and one they lost the back end of the 4-wheeler through the hole - glad they had a trailer on to hold it up!! Kinda scary and exciting for Devon for sure! He won't forget that fishing trip for a while.
On Devon's first day back to school, at share time they were to share what they did on their break. Devon tells me that he told all about his fishing trip, all the fun things that he did with his cousins in Canada etc etc. The teacher finally said, Ok Devon, you only have time for a few more sentences!! :) Guess he enjoyed his time and had alot of things to share :)

Tayah is One!!

The little tea party!

Didn't last all night though - maybe next time :)

This is what we did while the guys were gone fishing.