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Monday, September 28, 2009

Feels great to be home!

Just a quick post to let you all know we made it home and it feels great to ge back! Typing on my compter set up on the floor amongst the boxes :) Trying to unpack and get schools set up and mail sorted etc. But things should be back to normal by the end of the week.

You can all change our address again!!! :)
1075 North US 23
Harrisville, MI
And cell phones will both stay connected, but don't get reception here at the house. New land line number is 989-724-6185

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Trip back to MI - Day 1

Day 1 on the road went well. Left about 9:45, after our inspection at the apartments. Drove til about 9:30, (8:30 Arizona time) and stopped in Artesia, NM. Went about 455 miles. The kids did very well (with the help of the DVD player in our new truck - a babysitter they are not used to :) Sammy did really well too - we built up a bed for him between the kids seats and he slept alot. I think he felt special as it seemed one of the kids were petting him the whole ride :) We sold Scotts truck a few days before we left, so it is MUCH nicer all travelling together. Will unload most of the trailer in a storage unit here in Artesia, as this is where Scott will come for the academy for border patrol.

Nap Time - even for Sammy :)

Sammy gets LOTS of petting

Good spot to watch whats going past outside :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Skilbred Family Pictures

Friday, September 18, 2009

Heading Home to Michigan!!

Its finally happening... we are moving back home!!! We got the news while out in Virginia that Scott will get his job back at Kalitta. They told him that they completely understand his situation of going through the process for the border patrol. They understand that he may be there for 2 weeks, or two years, but they still want him back!! And it won't hurt his record if he doesn't make it through the academy, they will take him back again after that... they must really like him or something! :)
He will be on days, with Saturday and Sunday off!!! That has never happened before for him at Kalitta. He will be working on the 727's, not the 747's this time, and that is their schedule over in that hanger. We plan to leave Tucson on the 22nd, and be home on the 26th or 27th. We will go by Artesia, NM and leave most of the stuff we have here in storage so if he does make it through the academy, we will only have one load left. We will take the trailer home empty this time for the next trip down. So... off to get the packing done again :)

In Memory of Aaron "Scoop" George Skilbred

Last week, we were all in Virgina for a very sad occasion... Aaron (Scotts brother) passed away due to a vehicle accident. It sure makes you think about the fragility of life. He will be missed by many.

Aaron "Scoop" George Skilbred, 39, of Suffolk VA passed away September 7, 2009 due to a vehicle accident. He was born in Sparta, WI. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and Desert Storm. He was an Electronic Technician Sub-contractor for System Tech Forum.

He is survived by his wife of 10 years, Melissa Jean Skilbred; daughter, Kayla N. Skilbred; sons Brandon A. Skilbred and Javin A. Skilbred; father and mother, George Harvard and Marilyn Accola Skilbred; sisters, Wanda Skilbred, Rebecca Hauersperger, Heidi Massey; brothers, Dewey, Mark, Scott, and Clifton Skilbred, and numerous nieces and nephews.

This family picture was taken in May 2009.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Where does time go??

The other day, I was having some fun looking through pictures from a few years ago. Thought I would share a few of them here. Time goes soo fast!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Found a Great Dentist in Mexico

Well... a friend told us about this dentist that several of the friends had been to. We were very impressed, actually probably the best dentist we have ever been to!! And...between Scott and I, we saved $3232.00 less about 150 in gas!!! Scott had 4 fillings done, I had 3 done and 3 crowns. I went yesterday and got the permanent crowns on, and they look great!

It is across from Yuma, AZ (about a 3 1/2 hour drive each way for us) so it was a long drive. The first time, we all went, and I felt safe, but was nervous going in by myself with Kylee yesterday. You park on the US side in a gated parking lot, and just walk across. I walked straight there and straight back (2 blocks each way) saying NO THANKS 50 times along the way :) There are open storefronts the whole way along the road but I was too nervous to do any looking.

Here is their website if anyone is interested and willing to travel to save some money. http://www.drconnieayaladds.com/ The buiding is very plain on the outside and inside, but once you get back in the dentist chair, everything looks the same as if you were in the US. All the equipment is the same, all sanitary etc.

A few weeks ago, I had a bad experience in a mexican dentist office. A guy from Scotts work (who is mexican and obviously had never been in an american dentists office) referred us there. He took us there, otherwise we would have never went in. It was run out of his home, no signs, no gloves, questionable sanitary tools, his fillings were just a tube that twisted up like a lipstick tube and he chipped off some stuff and stuck it in your tooth, half a dentists chair with headrests that squeeze your head to hold your upper body up. The filling was white, but he didn't have the ability to match your tooth color so it stuck out terribly. It was in my front tooth and was very crooked. He told me to come back and he would straighten it the next time as it was too soft to work with right then. Needless to say, the new dentist we just went to had to take out the filling and replace it! I only let the first guy do one filling so I could just get out of there! Glad thats all that happened from that experience.