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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tip when making gluten free doughs

I found this tip on the GF Pie Crust box that I just made, but thought I would share because it worked awesome! Gluten Free doughs are VERY sticky and VERY HARD to work with. They suggested putting a piece of suran wrap/plastic wrap on the counter, then the dough, then another layer of suran wrap. Then use hands or rolling pin to roll the dough to the correct size/thickness. Take off the top layer of suran wrap, and use the bottom layer to carry and place the dough in pie plate or on top of the pie. This would work for pizza crust, or anything else dough. Made the crust a breeze!!

Gluten Free Pie Crust Recipe

I found an awesome pie crust... its a box one, but its the best I have found so far. Actually, we hardly knew that it was gluten free!! The brand is Gluten Free Pantry, called Perfect Pie Crust. There are 7 additional ingredients that you have to add so its kindof a recipe. One box makes 4 crusts, (or 2 pies if you use the upper crust.)

One Gluten Free Pantry Perfect Pie Crust Box
1/4 tsp baking powder
2 TBLSP white sugar
10 TBLSP cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
10 TBLSP butter flavored vegetable shorthening, cut into small pieces
2 eggs beaten
2 TBLSP cold water
3 tsp cider vinegar

**** see tip in my next post

Blog All Caught Up!

Wow, I can't believe it! I am all caught up with my postings! I don't think its been that way all year. Now, just to keep it that way :) Next project is my scrapbooking!! Got my scrapbook table all set up now, so just hope I can remember how to do it, its been so long!

Sock Day at School

Here is my crazy kids on sock day :)

Kylee learning about Our Community

At school in October, Kylee had a week that she was learning what was available to us in our community. One project that week was that each student had to pick from a list a place, then we had to go that place and look at what it was like. Then Kylee and I had to decorate a cereal box to make it look like that place in our community. Kylee picked a park down the road from us. Here is what our project turned out like...

Fun emptying the pool

Our pool finally had too many leaks and we were topping it off almost every day, and the top wouldn't hold air anymore, so it was time to get rid of it. They sure did have fun emptying it :) We learned that you shouldn't put one of these pools directly on the concrete down here. I think the heat from the concrete on those 116 degree days deteriorated the plastic. It was super wrinkly (like what your fingers look like after being in water too long) over the whole bottom of the pool. And there were a zillion hair-like slices in those wrinkles!

Creating a Volcano

The kids wanted to try out the baking soda/vinegar volcano again. This time we used dirt to make it more "realistic"

First Day of School - 1st and 3rd Grades

Even Sammy had to get in the picture!

Summer Vacation - Iron Bridge

Summer Vacation - Wisconsin

Summer - Vacation Guelph

Just a little bit behind again :)