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Friday, October 29, 2010

Kids Fall Pictures

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bike Ride

Was a beautiful fall day, so decided to take the kids for a bike ride. Won't be long and we will have to store the bikes for the winter - hoping to get a few more rides in before then.

Then when we got home, Kylee decided all on her own to draw a picture about what we just did. Her drawings are getting more detailed!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fall Beauty

Love the fall beauty! Enjoying it to the fullest this year in case I won't see it again for a few years. Trying to figure out some of the settings on this camera, and use them instead of the auto setting. Lots to learn!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Afternoon at Lumbermans Monument

Last Saturday we met the workers at the Lumbermans monument. Was a beautiful fall day and the colors were almost at their peak. Hiked down 2 hundred and some steps to see the Lumbermans "floating house" then walked over to the sand dune. I couldn't get a picture to show really how steep the dune was. We took our sleds hoping to slide down, but they just dug in ... so we ran down!! Was lots of fun, but a HUGE workout to get back up. You can't believe how hard til you try it! Had to coax Kylee up 10 steps at a time the last 1/4 of the hill. A beautiful day!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kids are fearless!

I looked out the window and here is where I found the kids. Yes, they were under their dads supervision!! Cleaning the branches and leaves from the roof.

Playing in the Leaves

We all had fun playing in the leaves on one of our beautiful days last week.

Sammy was involved in the game for a while too - the kids would wiggle a finger and he would grab their arm and shake it like crazy.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Labor Day weekend in WI

Playing Frizbee with Grandma

Lots of cousins!

The swing set is always a hit!